Seminar: Extensions of discrete classical orthogonal polynomials beyond the orthogonality

Extensions of discrete classical orthogonal polynomials beyond the orthogonality

Date: 2008..11..05
Event: Mathematical physics seminar
Venue: Mathematics Department. California Institute of Technology. Pasadena (CA), USA.


It is well-known that the family of Hahn polynomials is orthogonal with respect to certain weight function up to degree N. In this talk we prove, by using the tree-term recurrence relation which this family satisfies, that the Hahn polynomials can be characterized by a ∆-Sobolev orthogonality for every n and present a factorization for Hahn polynomials for a degree higher than N.

We also present analogous results for dual-Hahn, Krawtchouk, and Racah polynomials and give the limit relations between them for all positive integer n. Furthermore, in order to get this results for the Krawtchouk polynomials we will get a more general property of orthogonality for Meixner polynomials.


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