Talk: Multiple Meixner polynomials of second type with non-classical parameters. A first study

Multiple Meixner polynomials of second type with non-classical parameters. A first study

Date: 2013..03..26
Event: 12Th Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications
Venue: Sousse, Tunisia


The aims of this paper are to extend the concept of classical orthogonal polynomials sequence by introducing the concept of semiclassical quasi-orthogonal polynomials sequence applying an analogous method that we considered in (q-Classical orthogonal polynomial: A general difference calculus approach (with F Marcellán) Acta Appl. Math. 2009] to present a unify study of SQOPS by using the differential (difference and q-difference) calculus, and to obtain a new characterization theorem for these quasi-orthogonal polynomials sequences. Some semiclassical quasi-orthogonal polynomials are presented in detail.


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660 KB Slides (PDF, 34 pages, 24 slides)