Talk: A connection between the Legendre polynomials and the Riemann Zeta function. I

A connection between the Legendre polynomials and the Riemann Zeta function. I

Date: 2013..08..31
Event: Workshop on Special Functions and their Application 2013
Venue: Copenhagen, Denmark


In this talk we present all the theory developed during the last years about the Riemann Zeta function, the connection between the the irrationality proof of \(\zeta(2)\) and \(\zeta(3)\) and the Legendre polynomials, we also discuss about the irrationality of \(\zeta(2n+1)\) and its connection with the Legendre polynomials presenting infinitely many integral sequences converging to such values as fast as we want. We also present analogous results of the results mentioned above for a q-analog of the Zeta function and its connection with the q-Leguendre polynomials.


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