- Utility of integral representations for
basic hypergeometric functions and Orthogonal Polynomials
2025..01..27 — Math department (Universidade da Beira Interior) seminar. Covilha, Portugal - TALK: Multi-integral representations for Jacobi functions of the first and second kind
2024..07..15 — 9th European Congress of Mathematics 2024. Spain, Spain - TALK: Sobolev orthogonal polynomials: connection formulas and zeros
2024..06..27 — IMAG Conference on Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications - OPSFA17. Granada, Spain - TALK: Orthogonality of the big -1 Jacobi polynomials for non-standard parameters
2023..03..01 — AMS Spring eastern sectional meeting. Online - TALK: Ceros de polinomios de Krawtchuk-Sobolev
2022..09..12 — International congress COMPUMATG 2022 (CU) - TALK: Hypergeometric functions, difference equations and Wronskians.
2022..06..14 — 16th Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications. Montreal, Canada - TALK: Krawtchuk Sobolev polynomials. Old and new results
2022..06..02 — International congress COMPUMATG 2022 (CU) - TALK: Una sesión básica de Latex
2022..03..03 — International congress COMPUMATG 2022 (CU) - TALK: Matrices Totalmente Positivas Relativas a un árbol
2022..02..24 — International congress COMPUMATG 2022 (CU) - TALK: Aproximaciones racionales, funciones hipergeométricas y ecuaciones en diferencias
2022..01..27 — International congress COMPUMATG 2022 (CU) - TALK: Polinomios ortogonales clásicos y su conexión con el Teorema de Favard
2021..12..15 — XVIII Congreso Internacional COMPUMATG 2021 (CU) - POSTER: Polinomios ortogonales. Ortogonalidad y dualidad
2021..12..15 — XVIII Congreso Internacional COMPUMATG 2021 (CU) - TALK: Multi-integral representations for associated Legendre and Ferrers functions
2021..12..04 — 2021 CMS Winter Meeting (CA) - Basic hypergeometric transformations from symmetric and q-inverse sub-families of the Askey-Wilson polynomials in the q-Askey scheme
2020..01..31 — Seminario IEMath-GR. Universidad de Granada - Exceptional Orthogonal Polynomials from the Semi-classical point of view
2019..10..31 — Gama Seminar. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain - TALK: Classical Orthogonal Polynomials: Orthogonality and duality
2019..09..02 — 2nd International Conference on Symmetry. Benasque, Spain - TALK: Exceptional Orthogonal Polynomials from the Semi-classical point of view
2019..07..25 — 15Th Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications. Hagenberg, Linz, Austria - POSTER: Semiclassical quasi-orthogonal polynomials. A general calculus approach
2019..07..21--26 — 15Th Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications. Hagenberg, Linz, Austria - Curiosidades matemáticas para contar con una pinta ...o no!
2019..05..21 — Pint of Science. Alcala de Henares, Spain - POSTER: Recent results on Semiclassical Orthogonal Polynomials
2018..07..03--06 — 7th EIBPOA. Leganés, Spain - A first study of Zeros of Classical Orthogonal Polynomial
2018..03..08 — Seminario de Matemática Aplicada del CITE III. Universidad de Almeria, Spain - POSTER: A first study of Zeros of Classical Orthogonal Polynomial
2017..11..17-19 — IV encuentro de la Red de Polinomios Ortogonales y Teoría de Aproximación. San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain - TALK: q-Polynomials for non-standard parameters. Orthogonality and new identities
2017..07..07 — 14Th Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications. Canterbury, Kent, UK - q-Polynomials. Orthogonality in the complex plane
2017..02..17 — Seminario IEMath-GR. Universidad de Granada, Spain - The orthogonality relations of the Al-Salam-Carlitz polynomials for general parameters
2017..02..09 — Seminario TAPO. Universidad de Almeria, Spain - Matrices totally positive relative to a tree
2016..12..15 — Gama Seminar. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain - The orthogonality relations of the Al-Salam-Carlitz polynomials for general parameters
2016..10..20 — Gama Seminar. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain - Basic hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials
2016..02..16 — CARMA Seminar. University of Newcastle. New Castle, Australia - TALK: q-polynomials. Orthogonality in the complex plane and more
2015..08..26 — The Real World is Complex — Congress in honor of Christian Berg. Copenhagen. University of Copenhagen, Denmark - TALK: Conociendo mejor a los q-polinomios
2015..06..08 — V encuentro iberoamericano de polinomios ortogonales y sus aplicaciones. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - TALK: Generalizations of Generating Functions for Meixner and Krawtchouk Polynomials
2015..06..05 — 13Th Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications National Institute of Standards and Technology. Gaithersburg, MD, USA - Discovering Discrete Classical Polynomials: First Steps
2015..05..19 — National Institute of Standards and Technology. Gaithersburg, MD, USA - TALK: Extensions of discrete orthogonal polynomials beyond the orthogonality
2015..05..11 — International Conference on Orthogonal Polynomials and q-Series. University of Central Florida. Orlando, USA - Classical orthogonal polynomials beyond the classical parameters
2015..03..05 — Gama Seminar. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain - An overview of Classical Orthogonal Polynomials
2014..03..25 — ACMD Seminar Series. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Gaithersburg, MD, USA - TALK: A connection between the Legendre polynomials and the Riemann Zeta function. II
2013..09..16 — RSME-2do Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores 2013. Seville, Spain - TALK: A connection between the Legendre polynomials and the Riemann Zeta function. I
2013..08..31 — Workshop on Special Functions and their Application 2013. Copenhagen, Denmark - TALK: Multiple Meixner polynomials of second type with non-classical parameters. A first study
2013..03..26 — 12Th Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications. Sousse, Tunisia - PLENARY TALK: The connection between the Riemann Zeta function and the Legendre polynomials
2012..12..28 — International Conference on Mathematical Sciences 2012. Nagpur, India - Los polinomios ortogonales clásicos y de Sobolev: viejos y nuevos resultados
2012..02..28 — Departament of Physics and Mathematics. Universidad de Alcala, Spain - TALK: Old and new results on Sobolev and semi-classical orthogonal polynomials
2011..08..31 — 11Th Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications. Leganés, Spain - Orthogonality of q-polynomials for nonstandard parameters
2011..03..17 — Gama Seminar. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain - TALK: On a degenerate version of the Favard's theorem
2010..06..26-30 — International conference on CMMSE 2010. Almeria, Spain - Recent results on classical orthogonal polynomials
2010..06..10 — Gama Seminar. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain - TALK: Extensions of discrete classical orthogonal polynomials beyond the orthogonality
2009..07..20 — 10Th Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications. Leuven, Belgium - Extensions of discrete classical orthogonal polynomials beyond the orthogonality
2008..11..05 — Mathematical physics seminar. Mathematics Department. California Institute of Technology. Pasadena, USA - TALK: On the determinant of a sum of matrices
2008..10..18 — RCTM08. Conference in honor of Robert C. Thompson. UCSB. Santa Barbara, CA, USA - TALK: The semiclassical-Sobolev polynomials. A general approach
2008..09..09 — IWOPA08 Conference in honor of Guillermo López. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Leganés, Spain - Extensions of discrete classical orthogonal polynomials beyond the orthogonality
2007..11..02 — Mathematics Department Colloquium. College of William and Mary, USA - Classical orthogonal polynomials. A general difference calculus approach
2007..09..21 — Mathematics Department Colloquium. College of William and Mary, USA - Algunas propiedades algebraicas de la funciĆ³n Zeta de Riemann
2007..05..21 — Departamento de Matemáticas y computación. Univ. de la Rioja, Spain - Characterization theorems and Rodrigues operator. A general approach
2006..11..16 — Seminario TAPO. Univ. Almeria - Segunda relación de estructura para q-polinomios clásicos y semiclásicos
2006..10..26 — Gama Seminar. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain - TALK: Classical orthogonal polynomials. A general difference calculus approach
2006..08..31 — Recent Trends in Constructive Approximation Theory (IWOP'06). Leganés, Spain - TALK: Limit relations between q-Krall type orthogonal polynomials
2006..07..01 — 9th European Workshop on Applications and Generalizations of Complex Analysis. Coimbra, Portugal - TALK: Limit relations between q-Krall type orthogonal polynomials
2006..03..05 — Progress on Difference equations Homburg, Germany. - Sobre algunas propiedades de la función Zeta de Riemann
2006..03..02 — Gama Seminar. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain - La función Zeta de Riemann y sus q-extensiones. Aplicaciones
2005..11..30 — Gama Seminar. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain - TALK: Factorization of the hypergeometric-type difference equation on the uniform lattice
2005..07..25 — Conference on Difference Equations, Special Functions and Applications. Munich, Germany - El operador de Rodrigues y los polinomios multi-ortogonales de tipo II
2005..03..08 — Gama Seminar. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain - POSTER: q-Racah coefficients and q-Racah polynomials for the q-algebras suq(2) and suq(1,1)
2004..07..5-7 — IWOP 2004. Leganés, Spain - Curso basico de PROSPER (1ra sesion)
2004..04..27 — Gama Seminar. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain - El método de factorización para ecuaciones en diferencias de tipo hipergeométrico
2004..04..19 — Gama Seminar. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain - El método de factorización de ecuaciones en diferencias de tipo hipergeométrico sobre redes no lineales
2004..03..31 — Gama Seminar. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain - TALK: Number Theory, q-calculus. The Zeta and q-Zeta functions
2003..07..22 — Summer School on OPSFA-S4 University of Coimbra, Portugal - Método de Factorización de ecuaciones en diferencias de tipo hipergeométrico en redes no uniformes (In Spanish)
2003..05..24 — Gama Seminar. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain - POSTER: On the factorization of the second order difference equation of hypergeometric type on non-uniform lattices
2002..08..12--16 — Summer school on OPSFA-S3, Leuven, Belgium - POSTER: Factorization of the second order difference equation of hypergeometric type on non-uniform lattices
2002..06..24--27 — IWOP 2002. Leganés, Spain